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A little more info on some of the projects neXus Data Solutions, LLC has worked on from providing small business support in day-to-day operations to working with government entities to collect, process, and disseminate data.  See below to read more about some of our past projects.  Want to learn more about what we do?  Contact us to request a capabilities statement.

NOAA Fisheries - EBS Crab Reporting and Analytics
EBS Crab Reporting

neXus Data Solutions worked with the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission and NOAA Fisheries Alaska Fisheries Science Center in Kodiak to reprogram an estimation process that determines catch indices. These estimates integrate several data sources including survey information and observer data to generate biological estimates used by stock assessors who determine the health of the Eastern Bering Sea crab stocks. This process required the analysis of several independently run scripts that generated each species indices.

Through our work, we determined that the process could be recreated to generate all estimates at once by standardizing the incoming data sources and lookup tables, then using a table-driven process to load a dimensional datamart. We modeled the final datamart in the Oracle BI Repository and used it to deliver a web-based dashboard using Oracle Answers and APEX.


Technologies included: Oracle, SQL, PL/SQL, Oracle APEX and the Oracle Business Intelligence Suite.

NOAA Fisheries - Fleet Profiling Analytics and Data Visualization
Fleet Profiling Analytics

Our developers worked with the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission and NOAA Fisheries Alaska Fisheries Science Center in Seattle, WA to provide database development and analysis support since 2005. Recently, we worked for the Director of the Resource Ecology and Fisheries Management (REFM) division in Seattle, WA to create a suite of reports and data visualizations for analyzing the activity of fishing fleets off the coast of Alaska.

This project required the conversion of several independently run scripts into a PL/SQL package to routinely process data for fleet identification. We then combined these results with several harvest, production, and pricing sources to produce a series of tables for reporting. This data was loaded into a dimensional datamart then modeled in the Oracle BI Repository and delivered via a series of web-based dashboard reports in Oracle Answers.


Technologies included: Oracle, SQL, PL/SQL, and the Oracle Business Intelligence Suite.

Regional Economic Modeling Application
NOAA Fisheries - Regional Economic Modeling Application

We are currently working with the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission and NOAA Fisheries Alaska Fisheries Science Center in Seattle, WA to replicate the logic of an existing Multi-regional Social Accounting Matrix (MRSAM).  This  Economic Fisheries Information Network (EFIN) program on the design and development of their eLogbooks Portal website. This economic model will help fisheries economists at the NMFS Alaska Region and North Pacific Fisheries Management Council to see how changes to certain catches of fish or affects on industry might affect the overall economies.

The application will be available to users in both an online and offline format allowing them to run the model from​ anywhere and exporting the data to MS Excel for further manipulation.

Technologies included: HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and IIS

Small Business Website Design
Creative Minds Preschool - Website Design and Training

neXus worked alongside the owner of Creative Minds Preschool in Eagle River, AK to help them create a website that allowed them to better interact with both existing and potential customers.  This new site helps them to connect with the communicate and to communicate their teaching philosophy.

Through a total of 12 hours work, including three one-on-one sessions, Creative Minds Preschool was up and running with a site that included a membership login, events calendar and sign-up, as well as a subscription form to help them connect with their customers.  Learn more about our website design and training option for small business owners.

Technologies included: Wix Online Web Design Tools

935 W 3rd Ave

Anchorage, AK 99501

Tel: 907-350-6024
Fax: 907-338-9330

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